Recruitment for the 2020-2021 Work First Fellowship cohort is now underway! To help prospective applicants and celebrate the start of recruitment season, current Fellows and Fellowship leadership compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the application process.
Meet the Fellow: Brandon Manbahal, Bronx, NY
Some people like long walks on the beach, and then there's Brandon, the Work First Fellow located in the America Works office in Bronx, New York. When he needs a moment or two away from the fast pace of the office, he likes to take long walks in his Bronx neighborhood, which he calls his “beautiful neck of the woods.”
Meet the Fellow: Addie Lipson, Milwaukee, WI
Addie Lipson was already an experienced community activist and organizer in Milwaukee, WI when she decided to become a Work First Fellow. She did so because she wanted to continue to create positive change for her city while working one-on-one with individuals who have been harmed the most by the city’s structural segregation and economic policies.
Meet the Fellow: Liz Cottle, Manhattan, NY
Elizabeth Cottle—or Liz, as we know her—is a native New Yorker, a summa cum laude graduate from Binghamton University, a global traveler, and as of recently, a veritable expert on reviewing resumes. One of three Work First Fellows located in Manhattan, NY, Liz spends most of her time at the America Works 5th Avenue office teaching weekly lessons and working one-on-one with American Works clients to prepare for interviews and, of course, review their resumes.
2019-2020 Work First Fellowship Kicks Off
The Work First Foundation recently said hello to its 7th cohort of Work First Fellows when they arrived in New York City for a 3-day orientation. The 2019-2020 cohort, which includes high-achieving recent graduates from colleges and universities across the country and young professionals who advocated for various causes both in the US and abroad, is brought together by the common goal to make a direct impact in the lives of underserved individuals living in poverty by helping them gain meaningful employment.
2019 Work First Research Symposium Concludes
On June 13, 2019, the 2019 Work First Research Symposium took place at the Crosby Street Hotel in SoHo, New York. There, the 2018-2019 cohort of Work First Fellows presented their research findings to an audience of government leaders, policy experts, and staff members from the Work First Foundation and America Works. The research projects that the Fellows chose to pursue were informed and inspired by their experiences serving low-income individuals and public welfare recipients at their respective sites.
2018-2019 Fellows Trip to Washington
In March, the fellows were able to experience Washington D.C. behind the scenes. They had the opportunity to have one on one conversations with some D.C.’s notorious think tanks. This included resident fellow, Matt Weidinger from American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and senior fellow, Elaine C. Kamarck Brooking Institution. An intriguing discussion was held regarding welfare reform and how different perspectives and historical events had impacted their work in politics.