Kyle Wicks the SF Site Director to the far Left, Me (Penny Davis) Research Fellow in the Middle, and AJ Barker the Corporate Recruiter the far-Right.
8:30 am
Today we arrived in the office to prepare for the two Veteran events. The first was America Works sponsored digital conference in collaboration with the local community college. The second was sponsored by the Vet Success Center in SF.
9:00 am
Send out reminder emails to all speakers and add final links to access the live streaming platform.
10:00 am
Start the program and facilitate all the background "stage" switches and help with creating questions.
12:00 pm
Help facilitate the back end bringing speakers and folks asking questions into the view and then pulling them back when necessary and managing the "backstage" and the audience experience.
You can't see me on screen but I'm in the back making all the transitions and "magic” happen.
Fireside Chat with Sam Allen(Executive VP & COO at & CCSF Students
2:00 pm
Ended the live stream and did my hair and make-up. Get dressed and prepared to volunteer at the Vet Success Center with set up.
3:00 pm
Helped lead folks to the event while taking snapshots of the highlights.
4:00/ 5:00pm
Enjoyed the programming while networking with political representatives and community partners.