Should You Complete a Fellowship? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself.

After four years of university, the number one thing jobs and graduate schools are looking for is experience. A fantastic way to complete this experience is with a fellowship opportunity. Before applying for any fellowship, every candidate should ask themselves a couple of questions before committing to a program.

1. Are you passionate about a narrower focus?

A fellowship is a great way to gather clarity when exploring a commitment to a graduate school program or career paths such as social work, public policy, or public health. Fellowships can be a great tool to learn, train, and actively give back to the community.

When discussing the impacts of the fellowship with our cohort, a DC fellow mentioned that,

"Pursuing a fellowship is one of the best decisions as a recent graduate. It has awarded me many opportunities, helped me become a better case manager, and given me a chance to learn from my work."

2. Will additional training help you reach your goals?

Before applying to a fellowship, you must examine whether the program will help you reach your long-term career goals. For another fellow, completing a fellowship aligned perfectly with her desire to pursue a graduate degree as a Licensed Social Worker. As a graduate student, clinical hours would be a part of her training but completing a fellowship increased her comfort with the at-risk populations in New York.

"I felt that if I was going to work with at-risk youth, I needed to have the additional training," New York Fellow says.

3. Does the lifestyle of the placement cities suit you?

Aspiring fellowships should consider the lifestyles and living costs in their potential locations. If you are moving to a cooler climate, ask yourself if you are truly ready for the adjustment.

For example, if you are from California looking to take a position in Milwaukee, be prepared to enjoy a winter wonderland in the year's cooler months as Milwaukee enjoys about 45 inches of snow per year. It is perfect for snowmen and their friends, the snow angels, but you may have to leave your favorite sandals in storage longer than expected.

In conclusion,

A fellowship is a fantastic opportunity to fill your resume with experience to qualify you for various jobs and academic programs. They are great examples of dedication to your desired career field and can give you a change of scenery if you pick a new and exciting location. If you are interested in our openings for our fellowship program you can click the link HERE. For the America Works Fellowship formerly known as the “Work First Fellowship,” we offer fellowship opportunities in cities all over the nation including New York, Los Angeles( Orange County), Washington DC, and more!

To inquire about the America Works Fellowship and application process, please email